Saturday 10 September 2016

Ganesh Chaturthi

Celebration of  Ganesh Chaturthi  


  "Jai Ganesh Jai Ganesh Jai Ganesh Deva

                                              Mata Jaki Parvati Pita Mahadeva"


Ganesh Chaturthi is a festival of the Hindus where Lord Ganesha - the deity of  wisdom and prosperity is worshiped with  great devotion across Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka and other parts of India. The celebration lasts for 10 days.

Ganpati idols at a shop

People buy small idols of Ganesha and bring home a day before the festival begins.  Housewives busily clean their house a month in advance. Pandals and houses are decorated with flowers and garlands to welcome Ganpati. 

In the morning people wake up, take a bath and a puja is held in honor of Lord Ganesha by the family members. Everyone loves their Ganpati. People of different caste and creed equally participate in the celebration.

On the 10th day, a procession is held out carrying Ganpati in a decorated chariot accompanied by drum beats, music and dance. 

The idol is finally immersed in water wishing loud "Ganapathi Bappa Morya, Purchya Varshi Laukar ya"  which means  - "Oh father Ganesh! come again next year soon".